Frequently asked questions

If you have not received a confirmation e-mail from us within 8 hours of booking, please do not hesitate to contact us. Most of the time, this delay is due to the fact that some anti-spam filters confuse certain ordinary e-mails with spam. We therefore advise you to check that the e-mail in question is not in your spam folder.

You can pay by cash or credit card, in advance via the Internet, or directly in the car. Companies can pay by invoice – but this must be agreed in advance.

On request, we will also prepare an invoice – an accounting document for companies.

No, but if you’re satisfied with the service, the driver will appreciate it.

No, we’ll take care of that. We simply ask you to inform us of this when you make your reservation.

No problem, just let us know in advance.

We transport people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, it is always necessary to book this transport in advance. If you would like us to pick you up at a very late or very early hour, please call us at least 24 hours in advance.

All prices are inclusive of taxes and include vehicle, driver, personal insurance and fuel.

No. Our prices are fixed in advance, and we’ll do everything we can to get you to your destination quickly and safely.

All our shuttles are non-smoking and air-conditioned.



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